Terms and Conditions

This section states the additional terms and conditions under which Panm Labs provides access to the Panm Labs Member only Site. These terms and conditions constitute an Agreement between Member and Panm Labs.

Relationship to Section I terms and conditions The terms and conditions contained in this Section II are in addition to the terms and conditions contained in Section I of this Statement, and together such terms and conditions govern Member’s use of the Panm Labs Website and the Panm Labs Website Services. Any reference to “you” or “your” in Section I of this Statement shall be deemed a reference to Member. In the event of a conflict between these Section II terms and the terms contained in Section I, the terms of this Section II shall override and govern. To the extent reasonably possible, the terms of Sections I and II of this Statement shall be construed in such a manner so as to give practical and legal effect to both Sections.
Member’s Professional Information Member represents and warrants to Panm Labs that all of Member’s Professional Information disclosed on the Member Registration Pages is true, complete and accurate as of the date provided to Panm Labs . Without limiting the generality of the foregoing representation and warranty, Member represents and warrants that he/she has provided true, complete and accurate information regarding Member’s profession and has disclosed all of Member’s employment affiliations and relationships including (a) Member’s relationship as an employee, agent and/or contractor for each employer, and (b) Member’s affiliation with other employers through an ownership interest in or joint venture relationship or similar relationship with those employers.

Sharing of Member’s Professional Information Panm Labs reserves the right, without notice to Member, to share all of Member’s Professional Information with any Product Supplier whose information, documents or materials are accessed by Member on or through the Panm Labs Website. Member hereby consents to the disclosure of Member’s Professional Information to such Product Suppliers and acknowledges that, once this information is disclosed to those suppliers, Panm Labs will have no control over, nor will Panm Labs be responsible for, the use or further disclosure of Member’s Professional Information by those Product Suppliers. Restricted Access to Certain Information. Depending on Member’s position, profession, and relationships or affiliations with Product Suppliers or other employers, Panm Labs may in its sole discretion restrict Member’s access to certain technical product documents and/or other information of Product Suppliers who list their product offerings on the Panm Labs Website.

Logon Procedure.In order to Access the Panm Labs Member Only Site and to use certain Panm Labs Services, Member will be required to enter a username and password on the logon page of the Panm Labs Member only Site. A member shall access the Panm Labs Member only Site only though the logon page provided by Panm Labs and shall not permit any other person or entity to log onto the Panm Labs Member only Site using Member’s user name or password. A member shall ensure that he/she logs off from his/her account at the end of each session on the Panm Labs Member only Site.

Indemnification by Member.Member agrees to indemnify and defend Panm Labs and its affiliates and their officers, directors, and employees and agents from and against all third party claims and lawsuits arising out of or relating to Member’s use of the Panm Labs Member Only Site or the Panm Labs Website Services. If any such claim or lawsuit is asserted against Panm Labs, Panm Labs will tender the claim or lawsuit to Member for defense.

Termination of Agreement; Survival of Obligations. This Agreement may be terminated by either party hereto at any time upon notification of termination transmitted by Panm Labs to Member’s email address or by Member by using the Contact Panm Labs page. All provisions of this Agreement relating to intellectual property rights, Panm Labs privacy policy, representations and warranties, limitations of liability, and indemnification shall survive the termination of this Agreement. Entire Agreement; Severability. This Agreement describes the entire agreement between Member and Panm Labs and supersedes all other verbal or written agreements between the parties hereto regarding the subject matter hereof. If any provision of this Agreement is found to be invalid, vague or unenforceable, the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions shall not be affected. Any vague or ambiguous language shall not be presumptively construed against either party to this Agreement and shall be construed consistent with the primary purpose of this Agreement as expressed by its remaining terms.

Modification of this Agreement. Panm Labs may, in its sole discretion, modify the terms of this Agreement at any time, by posting such modifications to the Website. Panm Labs shall announce any such modifications on the Panm Labs Public Site and Member’s use of the Panm Labs Member Only Site after such announcement shall be deemed Member’s acceptance of such modifications.

Knowing Consent and Authority to Consent. The parties to this Agreement knowingly and expressly consent to the foregoing terms and conditions. Each person assenting to this Agreement represents that he/she is authorized to enter into this Agreement.